Late Spring 2023: Pictures at an Exhibition

My show is up at the Ukiah Public Library through June 29, during their open hours. These are photos from the show taken during the May First Friday Artwalk: there will be another reception during the June First Friday Artwalk.

The show was organized in collaboration with Library staffers Jen and Rosie. Music was graciously provided by polymath cellist Clovice Lewis.

With this series completed, I will spend the summer into early fall painting and drawing while contemplating the next project.

Early Spring 2023: Mixed Media Extravaganza!

In January, doing my customary 30 Faces/30 Days challenge with Sktchy, I found myself tearing up and reassembling portraits and ended up over the first three months of the year (before and after a successful knee replacement!) creating a dozen pieces. They include collage, ink pen, markers, watercolor, pastel pencils, acrylic paint, and water soluble pastel crayons - everything but the kitchen sink! - mostly mounted on small stretched canvases.

New Year 2023: Transitions and Storytelling

It’s been quite a year, with a lot of drawing and 22 mixed media and oil paintings added to the catalogue. I have completed the Local Artist Portrait series with the 13th canvas and they will be displayed at the Ukiah Public Library in May-June. Today I embarked on yet another 30 Faces/30 Days drawing challenge.

I just dropped off these three canvases at Ukiah’s Medium Gallery for their Storytelling show which will be up during January and February. All are available for sale and I am volunteering to donate 70 % of the price to the non profit owner of the gallery, Deep Valley Arts Collective.